Duke Univeristy
- COMPSCI 590: Theory of Deep Learning
- COMPSCI 571: Probabilistic Machine Learning
- COMPSCI 572: Natural Language Processing
- COMPSCI 531: Introduction to Algorithms
- ECON 701: Microeconomic Analysis I
- ECON 605: Advanced Microeconomic Analysis
Seattle University
- ECON 4910: Causal Inference
- ECON 4110: Applied Econometrics
- MATH 3411: Probability
- MATH 2340: Differential Equations
- MATH 4440: Applied Fourier Analysis
- MATH 2320: Linear Algebra
- MATH 4431: Intro to Real Analysis I
- MATH 4432: Intro to Real Analysis II
- ECON 4590: Market Power and Response
- MATH 3910: Optimal Estimation and Control